Below is a blog I posted in April 2010 on Jack LaLanne. He passed away earlier this month at the age of 96. What an awesome life and inspiration. He brought so much insight (so long ago) to the exercise and fitness community. Here's some wonderful advice from Jack.
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010
Old Ideas are Good Ideas
Are any of you old enough to remember Jack LaLanne? My mother watched him and exercised with him in the morning when I was growing up. That was many, many decades ago.
He is the "Godfather of Fitness". He really helped to empower women (see the video in the link) and is still impacting people's lives today with his juicers, etc.
Mr. LaLanne had a list of "10 Things To Do To Have a Happier and Healthier Life". Guess what? These 10 things are being "discovered" by people today! He's been telling people about this list for decades and people are just now discovering the power of these 10 things.... crazy.
Well - here is what Jack recommends.....
1) Exercise
2) Good Nutrition
3) Positive Thinking
4) Good Habits
5) Good Grooming
6) Smile (to everyone)
7) Watch your posture
8) Help Others
9) Relax (as in meditate....)
10) Have Faith
So, if you're looking to have a happier, healthier life, you may want to look at some of these "old ideas" that people are just now discovering!
Namaste and be well....